
Autumn is here!

We're officially in the "fall season". My favorite! There is nothing more that I love to decorate for then this season. The colors, the feel in the air, the anticipation for the trick or treaters and their wonderfully creative costumes, the pumpkins and the Thanksgiving holiday and knowing that you will be spending time with your family. I love it all!
I won't be going overboard with the decor since I have packed most of my decorations but I did set aside my favorite white ceramic pumpkins that I bought a few years ago and I found a stash of fresh pumpkins just being delivered at the grocers tonight and at a great bargain so I placed on my front porch with the fresh mums Dan will be repotting for me tomorrow.
I will be posting some of my favorite recipes for this time of year--so check my blahg often. ♥ and enjoy the fresh autumn air!

a portion of... "Autumn" by John Clare 1821
the summer flower has run to seed,
and yellow is the woodland bough;
and every leaf of bush and weed,
is tipt with autumn's pencil now.

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