
dress shopping w/my girl

Now that I've recovered from the flu, I can fill you in on some fun I had before I got sick.

Flew to KC last weekend to be a part of a big event.
Shopping for the wedding dress! 

In hand, the "wedding dress shopping survival tote" for the bride that I put together.  Turned out to be a very good idea and the items came in quite handy.  I got her a giant black tote and filled it with flipflops, measuring tape, notepad and pen, water bottles, snacks, tylenol, etc and then (the one thing the Jaeger family always HaS to HaVe)!  So I put together a mix of  lots of fun tunes and burned it on a cd to listen the whole time we were running in and out of the boutiques. 
Sar had made appointments for 4 of them on Saturday and 1 on Sunday.
As you can see in pics, Sar indulged me quite a bit.  She was a great sport and we had so much fun!
She found "the OnE" on Sunday at the very last shop we had scheduled and "wow" it is amazing.  SoRrY but won't show you the dress pics until she walks down the aisle.

Thank you sweetie~pie, for letting me be a part of a day I've dreamed about since you were a little girl!  Love you- your momma

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